Why have a tree in Front of My House?

In Chicago, we are packed densely next to each other bordered by concrete sidewalks, patios, parking lots, and buildings. Urban trees in parkways, yards, boulevards and city parks help clean the air, drain the soil during heavy rains and increase home values and safety

If you do not have a tree in front of where you live, say yes to ordering a tree and help us keep Hermosa...hermosa :)


Environmental Benefits: Inside + Outside Your Home


Breathe Better

An acre of trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people

Clean the Air + Provide Oxygen

Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark. 


A Cooler Home

Tree shade can cool up to 10° F, saving $$$ on your cooling bills

Reduce Heat, Keeping You cool

Trees cool the city by up to 10°F, by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.


Less Home FloodING

Mature trees can intercept ~4,000 gallons of water/year

Trees Absorb Flood Waters

Trees capture rainwater and reducing the risk of floods. Their root systems slow down water’s absorption into the ground. This process reduces the risk of over-saturation and flooding. 

If you own a house or multi-unit building, you can request a free tree to be planted by the city of Chicago


 More About Trees + Green Urban Benefits